With The Cyber Insecurity Resume Rubric

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Resume Shield Cyber Insecurity

Supercharge Your Resume & LinkedIn

Every month on the Cyber Insecurity livestream, Neal does a resume and LinkedIn review using the infamous Resume Rubric, a self-assessment designed to help you determine the successes and downfalls of your existing resume and LinkedIn profile.

The Resume Rubric is not available on mobile devices at this time.

Please try on a larger screen or come back soon to use the Resume Rubric to improve your resume!

Resume Rubric


Your experience should be written to show the value you brought to each company. Don’t just list your job responsibilities.

How do I evaluate this?

Experience narrative describes how you brought value to the organization for each role/position.  Each example is specific and illustrates skills that can be applied to the role to which you are applying.

Experience narrative describes how you brought value to the organization for most roles/positions.  Almost every example is specific and illustrates skills that can be applied to the role to which you are applying.

Experience narrative describes how you brought value to the organization for some roles/positions.  A good number of examples are specific and illustrate skills that can be applied to the role to which you are applying.

Experience narrative is generally a list of responsibilities and doesn't provide much information regarding how you brought value to the organization.  Any examples provided are either not specific or or not tailored.

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.


Don’t just list things like certificates and computer skills. Incorporate them into your experience.

How do I evaluate this?

All skills are shown/demonstrated in experience narrative and are specific.  Any skills or personality traits listed at the top are not a word soup.

A good number of skills are shown/demonstrated in experience narrative and are specific.  Any skills or personality traits listed at the top are mostly not a word soup.

Some skills are shown/demonstrated in experience narrative and are specific.  Any skills or personality traits listed at the top are "word soupy," but not too much.

Either some word soup is present or skills are vaguely shown/demonstrated in experience narrative.  Any skills or personality traits listed at the top are very "word soupy."

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.


Not too long, not too short. Don’t drone on forever.

How do I evaluate this?

Resume length is just right.

Resume length is either a little too long or too short.

Resume length is either too long or too short.

Resume length is either far too long, making it too long to be comprehensible, or far too short, making it lacking any useful content.


If you include a summary, this should be the elevator pitch to make someone want to hire you.

How do I evaluate this?

If a summary exists, it is relevant to the potential position and provides excellent information, without being too long.  If no summary exists, the resume provides excellent content that constitutes an "elevator pitch."

If a summary exists, it is mostly relevant to the potential position and provides good information, without being too long.  If no summary exists, the resume mostly provides sufficient content that constitutes an "elevator pitch."

If a summary exists, it is somewhat relevant to the potential position and provides some good information.  The summary may be too long or short to be an effectively serve the intended purpose.  If no summary exists, the resume provides some content that constitutes an "elevator pitch."

If a summary exists, it isn't relevant to the potential position and may ramble, providing little value.  If no summary exists, the resume itself provides little to no content that constitutes an "elevator pitch."

If a summary exists, it rambles and provides no value to the resume.  If no summary exists, the resume itself provides no content that could be considered an "elevator pitch."


All bullets should match a format that follows three rules: 1) what (what did you do), 2) so what (what was the impact), and 3) now what (what happened after that).

How do I evaluate this?

All three rules are generally followed for each bullet point associated with a position/experience.

Only two rules are generally followed for each bullet point associated with a position/experience.

Only one rule is generally followed for each bullet point associated with a position/experience.

Either no bullet points or rules are not followed at all.

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The Resume Rubric is not available on mobile devices at this time.

Please try on a larger screen or come back soon to use the Resume Rubric to improve your resume!

LinkedIn Rubric


Your picture should be professional.

How do I evaluate this?

A profile picture exists and is professional.

A profile picture exists and is somewhat professional.

A profile picture exists, but isn't professional.

Either a profile picture exists and isn't professional, or no profile picture exists.


Your banner should be professional and related to tech/cyber.

How do I evaluate this?

A banner exists and is both professional and related to cyber or tech.

A banner exists and is either professional or related to cyber or tech, but not both.

A banner exists and is either somewhat professional or somewhat related to cyber or tech, but not both.

Either, no banner exists or it exists, but isn't professional or related to cyber or tech.


Your banner should include relevant social media links or, at the very least, meaningful text.

How do I evaluate this?

Banner either includes relevant social media links or very meaningful text.

Banner either includes minimal social media links or somewhat meaningful text.

Banner doesn't include either relevant social media links or meaningful text.


Do you share knowledge and meaningfully interact with your peers? You should not just "like" everything.

How do I evaluate this?

Individual shares knowledge and meaningfully interacts with peer posts on a consistent basis.  Posts are generally thought provoking.

Individual shares knowledge and meaningfully interacts with peer posts on a somewhat consistent basis.  Post are not generally thought provoking, though.

Individual shares knowledge and meaningfully interacts with peer posts on an infrequent basis.

Individual sometimes shares knowledge and meaningfully interacts with peer posts, but mostly "like"s everything.

Individual doesn't interact with peers in any meaningful way.


Does your summary include an elevator pitch that describes what you want the reader to remember about you?

How do I evaluate this?

All content is includied in the resume or experience section.  It demosntrates pride in accomplishments without being over the top.  It includes a call to action and punch.

Vast majority content is includied in the resume or experience section.  It demosntrates pride in accomplishments, but may be a bit over the top.  It includes a call to action or punch, but not both.

Most of the content is included int eh resume or experience seciont.  It demonstrates some pride, but lacks punch.

Some of the content is included in the resume or experience section.  It doesn't demosntrate bride and lacks a call to action and punch.

You had one job...  Pitch provides no value and/or contains content that isn't supported with any evidence elsewhere.


Is aspiring in your summary or about section? Remove it!

How do I evaluate this?

Description doesn't include "aspiring" or anything similar such as "passionate."

Description includes "aspiring" or something similar such as "passionate."


Be detailed, not short and sweet.

How do I evaluate this?

The about section is "above the fold" and pops out.  It includes the appropriate amount of information to communicate the value the individual brings to organizations without being too long.

The about section includes the appropriate amount of information to communicate the value the individual brings to organizations, but it is either a bit too long, a bit too short, or doesn't have enough pop.

The about section mostly includes the appropriate amount of information to communicate the value the individual brings to organizations, but it is either a too long, too short, or doesn't pop out.

The about section contains little information that is appropriate and is either way too long or way too short.

The about section either doesn't exist or exists but contains no meaningful information.


Don’t just list your job responsibilities. Include your key contributions. Bullet points still matter here (what, so what, now what).

How do I evaluate this?

Each role listed contains excellent information that illustrates the value the individual brought to the organization and answers the questions "What?", "So what?", and "Now what?".  Each item consistently has approximately the same level of detail.  Either roles generally have more information than the same role in the resume or more roles are listed.

The majority of roles listed contain excellent information that illustrates the value the individual brought to the organization and answer the questions "What?", "So what?", and "Now what?".  Most items consistently have approximately the same level of detail.

Roles listed generally contain information that illustrates the value the individual brought to the organization and answer the questions "What?", "So what?", and "Now what?".  The amount of detail for each item varies.

Roles listed rarely contain information that illustrates the value the individual brought to the organization and answer the questions "What?", "So what?", and "Now what?".  The amount of detail for each item varies wildly.

Roles listed contain no meaningful information that illustrates the value the individual brought to the organization and answer the questions "What?", "So what?", and "Now what?".  Most likely, the information is simply a listing of role responsibilities.  There is no consistency in the amount of detail for each item, if details even exist.


Meaningful: Recommendations exist and are meaningful. Minimal: Recommendation(s) exist, but they are either too few or very short. None: No recommendations

How do I evaluate this?

Recommendations exist and are meaningful.

Recommendation(s) exist, but they are either too few, or very short.

No recommendations


Are all your education and earned certifications listed (no matter how big or small)?

How do I evaluate this?

The education and certification sections contain a great deal of content.  In addition to official certifications, the certification section includes numerous unofficial certifications such as a TryHackMe rank and completed trainings.

The education and certification sections contain a good amount of content, but could use more.  In addition to official certifications, the certification section includes some unofficial certifications such as a TryHackMe rank and completed trainings, but could use more.

The education and certification sections contain adequate content, but should have more.  The certification section includes little to no unofficial certifications such as a TryHackMe rank or completed trainings.

The education and certification sections contain the bare minimum of content with no additional information.

The education and certification sections contain little to no information.

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